Microchipping for Dogs
As part of our wellness program, we recommend all dogs be microchipped. This simple, painless procedure installs a tiny chip the size of a grain of rice under your pet’s skin, between the shoulder blades. If he or she is ever lost, microchipping provides a safe, effective way to help your dog make it home safely. Once the microchip is inserted, it permanently remains in place and your pet is identified for life. Microchips are safe, unalterable, and permanent identification for dogs. In the event they are separated from you, it may be your only means of being reunited with them.
Each tiny microchip is encoded with unique information about your dog. This information is entered into a national database. Veterinary hospitals and animal shelters across the country are equipped with special scanners capable of detecting and reading microchips. If your pet is lost, his or her microchip is scanned, and the information is used to reunite you and your best friend.
You can visit the AVMA’S website and the Home Again website to learn more about some of the most frequently asked questions about microchipping.
You can also use the Pet Microchip Lookup web site to find a dog’s owners based on the microchip number, independent of the microchipping company.